“The Bicycle and Women’s Rights”

I found an interesting read about society’s reaction to the invention and the threat it posed on women. Society believed that the bike could compromise women’s femininity, their reproductive systems, and corrupt their morals. Stanton saw this innovation as that paved a way for “spiritual independence” for women. Though bikes posed new implications on society, like accidents and deformities. People worried that the bike imposed physical exertion on women and would complicate their ability to reproduce healthy children. Authors and poets began explaining how cycling helped women get active and help mental illnesses. However others were more concerned that cycling threatened women’s femininity. People wanted racers to change their posture to look more “graceful”. no matter the implications, society saw cycling for women as a way for them to look more “manly” and produce “masculine women”. Stanton overall saw the bicycle “as a tool of liberation”. She believed that this invention could change the perspective of women in society as a whole.

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