Outline S3

  1. Intro

A. Story

B. Thesis

II. Motivation

*explaining how audience pushed you, like”pressure” which was beneficial

Who was pushing you to succeed? Coaches .. give examples. Cheering you on, they evaluate your ability and give you workouts based on how well you do (this is your audience)

Coach would be watching you during your race, friend and family, and teammates. This motivates you to work hard.

III. Setting Goals

*explaining how audience taught you how to set goals

What are some of personal goals

IV. Confidence

*explaining how audience taught you to have courage

Go back to your audience. The team would cheer you on to go faster, pass people, push all the way to the finish line

V. Conclusion

A. How I have been influenced and impacted?

B. Influenced me in public speaking?

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