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In-Class Response: Rendell Reading

I think that it was interesting what Rendell wrote about the individual cyclist versus the team. Each individual has a specific job or task within the team in order to make on of their team members win. Even though it seems like a lot of work I think that it in interesting because only one person wins. Its interesting to hear that all team members rotate through the pain to serve one champion. In my experience a group that I was a part of was the cross country team. In some given situations, team members have worked something to motivate the other to work harder and push themselves to overcome their own personal records in a race. Sometimes it requires for one person to stay back so that someone else can do better. Also sometimes it requires one person to hold back with someone else so that one person’s place will help benefit the team overall.

Youtube Voice Response

After reading Linguistic Tricks, I saw that the way that people talk makes a contribution to the audience’s attention. Like the article says: long constants, extra vowels in between constants,  long vowels, overstressed vowels, and aspiration. I noticed these aspects of speech with Jenna Marbles, who is a youtuber. I saw that her way of talking to her audience using these factors draws the audience in and makes you want to listen more. I also noticed that when she grabbed the attention she could talk about anything she wanted. In one of her videos she talks about her life experiences and gives advice based of them. You can see just by the way she talks you want to follow what she says. Just like the article says. Jenna Marbles talks like “an intellectual used car salesman”. She sells her comments, opinions, and experiences to her audience without question. 

Rendell’s Chapter

In Rendell’s chapter, I enjoyed how he described biking as an awkward sport. Not that its experience is awkward but the sport itself and all its components that contribute to who a winner is. He goes into detail on all the things a good cyclists thinks about and does during his race. He clearly describes the feeling and actions the cyclists does at certain points during a race. He goes into detail on how a cyclist must think about himself, his teammates, and his rivals in whole during a race. Because all those categories of people contribute to who will win during a race. As one cyclist separates from the pack,  the rest of his team must adjust and find ways to stay with the leader. The other team members that adjust are known as the “domestiques” which are servants to their team and leader. The “domestique” purpose is not to win the race but to help the leader and other teammates to win.

Class 4/6

During class, I was trying to look up topics for my next speech. I was trying to look at relatable  topics such as coding and bikes. I came back to the idea that I can maybe refer back to my first speech and research into maybe more of the app that the musical festival promoted.

Bicycle Diaries: San Francisco

In Byrne’s San Francisco Diary, he mentions Madam Helena Blavatsky. He explained how a People of Religions event was held and that its founder was Madam Helena. Madam Helena was a psychic is some ways. She was able to contact or read spirits. Apparently she met someone from her psychic visions and was sent to Tibet to develop her psychic abilities. Eventually she became a huge public figure and arguing against the mainstream idea that spirits contacted were from the dead. While also defending the spiritual phenomena that there was a spiritual world.

Byrne talked about biking in various different parts of San Francisco. He mentions how the people in the Bay Area have this persona of wanting to change the world using technology. Even with this progress of technology, there is a great deal of creative to be shared in the community. Artists making statements with their art is always being shared with the community. Everyone is an insider or an outsider in the art world. Outsider being that they have so unique artistic view which can also mean they have their own style that has not been taught. 

S5 Prep Clip

For S5 presentation, a group of us decided to do a music collaboration. This is just a short clip that was introduced to us by Professor Hunt as some inspiration.

Duarte Response

In Duarte’s TED Talk, she first mentioned how everyone has unrecognized power within them. The power being the creation of having an idea. Ideas are able to create change and influence in the world. But the first step in making change is sharing your idea. Not sharing or communicating your idea will forever die with you and never be out in the open. But those who do share their ideas come to a fault because they are not communicated in the right way. How you communicate to the world can determine your ideas death or influence. The presenter has the role of the mentor not the hero. The mentor needs to speak as if they are guiding the audience to their idea. Duarte explains how there is a beginning, middle, and end to every good presentation. The beginning starts by establishing what is and what your idea could be. The beginning and middle consists of why your idea should fix problems and provide solutions. Just like sailing you will face resistance but your various solutions and fix will gain momentum in the audience. The end more than likely always ends with a poetic new bliss.

In-Class Audience Response

In my opinion, I think that audience does matter to me. I know that when I am presenting that I want an audience that is able to relate or connect to my topic that I am talking about. The types of audiences that I would want to present to are ones that non-hostile and relatable to my topic. I think that some difficulties with audience might be not being able to grasp interest or not present correctly which disengages them from my presentation. Audience plays a role in how well your speech is. They determine how well you did. Even from some of the books we read in class and presented to the class, I saw that most books had the same advice. Their advice for gaining audiences attention is being able to be vulnerable and building relationships. Sharing experiences and stories allows you to engage and connect with the audience. Doing merely that makes it difficult for the audience to disengage after being personal.

S2: Rehearsals

Practice 1:

In this video, I looked at my write out for most of it. I tried to get all my points I had to make in my speech and tried to observe the time I was taking.

Practice 2:

In my second practice, I tried looking more at my screen and noticed I remembered what to transition to next. I think I did not really need the write out there but used it more for safety so I knew I was making my next point.

Practice 3:

In this final video, I tried not looking at my notes as much. I saw that I improvised a little if I forgot something in my notes. I also saw that I only used my write out to state my data and evidence within my speech.

Presentation #2 Self Reflection

After presenting my second speech, I feel like one thing I did well was getting more information about the topic. I feel with my first speech it ended sounding kind of incomplete which with this I was easier to find all the information I needed on the topic because it was so recent. One thing I would have wanted to do better was to not have sounded so repetitive. I think that  during my speech I lost track of where I was which caused me to repeat some of my facts. I think I also confused my audience with my information regarding the different organizations and associations.Other than repeating myself, I believe that I conveyed the information to the audience. I think that my delivery was okay but I know there is a lot of room for improvement. I did recognize that I was able to use my own evidence in my speech and relate it to the issue going on in the Panhandle. I know that I have learned a lot about public speaking, especially with our class discussions and even looking at how my fellow classmates present. But I know I have a ways to go before I can be confident in what I present. For future presentations, I want to practice my speech more and go to the speaking center more to review some mistakes or improvements.

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