Post Cancellation Perpetual Access of E-journals

For many libraries, budget concerns can lead to the very difficult decision to cancel subscriptions. Unlike print journals, electronic journals are not saved and stored by the library. Fortunately, the publisher will sometimes include a provision in the license indicating perpetual access to issues paid for by the library.

David Ferguson, Acquisitions Coordinator, attended the 2018 NASIG Annual Conference in Atlanta. One very timely presentation was a library’s attempt to document perpetual access to electronic journals, after they have been cancelled.

Albertsons Library at Boise State University undertook a project to document all the journals that they held post-cancellation access (PCA) rights to.

They started by looking at the most recently purchased titles and worked backwards in time, focusing on one publisher’s journals package.

Some key takeaways from their experience:

  1. Document, document, document. Have procedures in place to document your PCA.
  2. Log progress so there is a record of why you made decisions at the time.
  3. Document even if the resource is open access because open access may go away.
  4. Embed holdings information in bibliographic record so that it doesn’t disappear. Make it easy to find and access by all library staff.

Providing Social Science Data Services

Carol Spector, Reference and Government Information Librarian, attended the ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) Summer Program 2018 on “Providing Social Science Data Services.”

“The highlight of this week long workshop was meeting fellow librarians that are providing data services on their campuses and hearing about their successes and challenges. The workshop motivated me to re-visit how we incorporate data stewardship into our research practices at USF. I would like to provide services on our campus to promote research data archiving. This would align with our open access initiative and provide additional exposure to research conducted by members of the USF community.
I would also like to offer instruction in the area of data literacy, but I am sorting out what needs there might be on campus. Along these lines, one instruction area that I have begun offering is an introduction to online mapping. This can be incorporated into a variety of library instruction sessions (e.g., for research methods courses or assignments that benefit from analysis of socio-economic data), or offered as a stand-alone workshop.

Please let me know if you have any interest in pursuing data archiving, online mapping, or data literacy at USF. I’d love to hear from you.”

More information about Carol, including contact information, can be found via this link.

If you’re unfamiliar with data literacy, Ann Glusker, a librarian at the National Library of Medicine, gives a nice overview (with graphics!) here.
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