What are attention getters in a classroom setting?


There’s the first sentence in essay, but not that one! We’re actually talking about common cues to calm/quiet your class down!

As a substitute teacher, it is hard to build rapport with students.   It is important to have these attention getters handy for ALL teachers.

I have a few that may help you as an educator!

  1. For grades K-3:

Bum Para Rum Pum

Reply: Bum Bum

Works really well with them because this is common and consistent from TK.

  1. For grades 4-5:

if you can hear my voice, clap once

if you can hear my voice, clap twice

Say you are doing an activity or free choice time, and you need them to get cleaned up and back to unity, a good conditioning method is ringing a bell or a chime.

A bell is a good conditioning method and proven by Ivan Pavlov.  If students hear a bell, it is a good sign for them to clean up and come back to unity


1 Comment

  1. Sanjna!

    These attention getters that you have laid out here are really working for me. I actually filled in for a teacher at my school yesterday, and I used:

    “if you can hear my voice, clap once

    if you can hear my voice, clap twice”

    I also like the use of the bell in the classroom. I think that maybe you were telling me about how after a long day of subbing your voice can begin to be fatigued. The bell probably is a good way for you to get kids attention without much effort.

    I will stay tuned for more of your attention getters. Thanks for sharing the knowledge, and I hope that the subbing is going well for you!


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