Joe Smoth

Name: Joe Smoth

Major(s), Minor(s), Program(s): Sociology Major, Psychology Minor

Previous Major (s), Minor(s), Program(s): None

What attracted you to your initial major(s) and minor(s)?:

I loved that I could study how people interact in the world.

What inspired you to change programs?:


What do you like best about your current major(s) and minor(s)?:

I get to interact with professors who are very warm and friendly.

What is most challenging about your current major(s) and minor(s)?:

There is a lot of reading for my classes and I’m expected to contribute to discussions.

What sort of internship and career opportunities have you explored?:

None Yet.

What sort of extracurricular activities have your participated in?:

Just Choir.

What resources helped you with your exploration journey?:

Career Services.

What advice do you have for students exploring majors?

Just pick something!

Category: Psychology, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Sociology, Student Profile | Comments Off on Joe Smoth