Discussion of credibility Project 5

I am planning to establish credibility with my audience through stating my title at the beginning of my tutorial. I chose “Art + Architecture Major at the University of San Francisco” because even though I am a design major, I am in the Art and Architecture department. When I meet people though, I usually tell them I’m a design major. The reasoning behind changing my title to an art and architecture major is because in the context of a drawing video, being a design major sounds quite vague compared to a title that has the word architecture in it, which is synonymous with drawing. I am also planning on establishing credibility through using a brand new drawing instrument and a ruler to show that I am prepared. Another way which I will establish credibility is by drawing the box correctly and filling in values appropriately.

Before re-reading Nancy Duarte’s writing about audiences in Persuasive Presentations I did not think about explaining the benefit or the ‘so what?’ aspect of my tutorial. Duarte preaches necessity in telling the audience why they need to know the information they’re learning to avoid the “I pay you to do this, so just do it!” tone during a presentation. In the context of my presentation, I plan on letting my audience know why they want to learn to draw a box by saying something along the lines of “to draw in your notebooks” which is not quite serious, but that is because I am already giving a tutorial on a fairly intuitive task.

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