Hillside morning glory – Carson Falls


Date: April 12th, 2018

Location: Carson Falls Latitude: 37°57’49.17″N, Longitude: 122°37’29.68″W, Elevation: 1,042 feet


Site description: Carson Falls is located in Marin County just north of Mount Tam. The terrain is rugged, with many serpentine soil. Carson Falls is a popular location, due to its beautiful waterfall, but also provides habitat for many unusual plants.

The hillside morning glory, also known as calystegia collina in the convolvulaceae family, is a perennial herb. The stem is decumbent, either not or weakly climbing. The leaves are generally wavy and generally less than 3 cm. The inflorescence includes a penducle less than 6 cm, with white flowers having sepals 8-13 mm and corolla 25-55 mm.


Narrative: We left campus at around 1:00PM and it took about an hour to get to Carson falls. The weather was sunny, but also windy. It had been a long time since I’ve seen such an active waterfall that I was happy we got to see Carson Falls. However, my ankles seem to not like walking in tall grass areas, as I fell a total of 4 times, all in the grass. Luckily, I did not slip into any mud or water. On the way back, I was scared to jump across a stream as I have short legs, and Prof Paul came back and said I could use my foot as a stepping stone. I refused because I would have felt bad squashing his foot, so I opted for a hand instead.

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