I was unaware of the seven general categories to describe when credibility matters in human-computer interactions. These categories matter because they exemplify just how much we do on computers. They show how much we depend on computers. The importance of believability truly becomes apparent. The four types of credibility are relevant in understanding how computing systems gain or lose credibility. This all becomes more complicated when we look at how computing has evolved. To some it started as an untrustworthy outlet for information but shaped into a credible source. But is this true? Personally, I don’t believe it’s so black and white. With fake news on the rise, we have to be more careful than ever. It’s up to us to find the truth on the internet, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. Nowadays, we are put in a bubble of what algorithms want us to see.   Whatever we click on is taken into account, therefore shaping what is put in front of us. For instance, if we tend to click on liberal news links more often, they will pop up more than conservative news outlets. The internet is still a new technology that needs to be perfected, in my opinion. I don’t have a cynical view of the internet though, I believe it will bring about positive change, similar to how the bicycle paved the way for women’s rights. New technologies should be looked at as progressive. Much like the bicycle, the internet has brought about positive change and vice versa. It was good that women were able to change and control what they were wearing. Even though it wasn’t fully up to them yet, progress was being made. And the fact that they were able to get on their bicycle and ride wherever they wanted to go, symbolized the future progress ahead.