Nov 27

  • Femicides in Argentina. Femicide  meaning. Machismo meaning. Patriarchal Society meaning. True cases in Argentina and what those cases trigger off. Strikes, protests. Lack of official information. Cultural problem? How the society can address the problem? Solutions: education. The state needs to participate more. People need more information. The Justice should be faster and more efficient. Changes in law. Women should stop feel embarrassed.

Stablishing what it is a good behavior and what it is a wrong one. Being respectful. Disagreeing without hurting people. Eliminating the violence between people. Parents needs to be more present and be more conscious of the message that their send to their children. Family is the first school.

Women start hating men. Women rising little girls hating boys. Women become violent with men. (Woman killed her boyfriend because she was jealous) if there is a woman fighting with a man, witnesses instantly believe that the man is guilty.


– femicide, machismo, patriarchal society meaning

– Real cases. Consequences. Problems.

– On the other hand, extreme feminism.

– Solutions. How to address the problem? Actions to do

– Conclusion


Argentina needs to tackle the problem by applying radical and important changes in the society. First of all, parents need to put more attention on their child by teaching them how to treat each other and childre should learn how to solve a conflict without violence. Second, the state needs to provide help to those women who are in trouble and the justice should be fast. Besides, it must centers on education at school. Children should be able to understand that although women and men have many different, they have the same rights.




Speech 3

In our group, Judy and I are gonna discuss the topic of eating desorders. We are planning to present different illnesses and explain the causes and possibles treatments. Judy is gonna focus on the bulimia and me on the anorexia. Finally, we are going to explain together a third one and summarize.

In class activity october 25th

1- The reality show follows the lives of Bruce and Kris Jenner’s combined family, and most of the episodes are focus on the three oldest daughters, Kourtney, Kim, and Kloe Kardashian.

2- Bruce Jenner was famous for breaking the world record and winning a gold medal in decathlon at the 1976 Olympics. So, his sons from a previous marriage, Brandon and Brody, have also appeared on their reality show.

3- The Kardashians’ father, the late attorney Robert Kardashian, was famous for representing O.J. Simpson, and his daughters gained recognition as American socialites.

4- Kim came into the national spotlight in 2007 after a sex-tape scandal and resulting playboy appearance. As a result, the Kardashian fame grew into a profitable reality series.

5- The show depict

October 4th in class activity

1. Solange posed for the picture. The feather on her antique hat framed her face, and she found the waist and collar of the dress a little confining.

2. Benjamin researched the company at the library before he applied for a job at Datacorp; because he wanted to be well prepared for the interview.

3.  The family shivered on the windy corner while they waiting for the tour bus; they had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation.

4. Leland’s motorcycle was his prized possession, but he had to sell it to pay his college tuition.

5. Olivia took surfing lessons because she had never been surfing; she felt ready to tackle the waves.

6. Paolo has thinning hair, glasses, and stopped shoulders. Everyone thinks he is a librarian, but he is a meteorologist at an Antartic research station.

7. Toni gives her son a generous allowance and does not expect any help around the house from him, but Toni’s brother expects his children to do chores if they want spending money.

8. Dark clouds gather overhead while trees toss in the wind, but rain does not fall.

9. Tai wanted to prove her trustworthiness to her parents; she made it her responsibility to take her younger brother and sister to school.

10. Using a sharp jerk of his wrist Simon flipped the pancake in the skillet, and his uncle taught him this trick when Simon was a child.



After I read Akana  Jayenwardene’s article I found that I am not the only who was impressive about the fact that most of the people living in San Francisco are actually from other parts of the words.

According to Akana’s words “Take for instance the city of San Francisco: It is increasingly rare to find someone born and raised here. Most inhabitants of the city are immigrants. According to a University of Southern California study on immigration to San Francisco, in 1860 half of the city’s population was immigrant” (p. 108)

I am living in San Francisco for three months and I already met a lot of people, but just two boys are born and raised here. That is crazy for me.


Jayenwardene, A. (2017). Twenty-first century placemaking: Finding a sense of             home in a supermodernized, hyperglobalized world. Writing for a Real               World. 14th ed, 105-125




September 20th in class writing

In my country, the changes on language affected our day to day writing. Such as emails, text messages, and posts on facebook. Nowadays in Argentinian schools, we do not write too much. Writing is an occasional task. I think that it is a weakness that we have in my culture. People who want to write o learn how to write should take special courses.

In my previous academic institution, I practice how to write in English. In high school, English professors taught me basic rules for writing an email or a letter. Apart from that, when I was preparing my TOEFL and GRE exams, I learned by using templates how to summarize an article and lecture, develop a random topic and criticize a piece of article by pinpointing its flaws.

September 18th In class writing

My name is Selene and come from Greece. It means Goddes of the moon in greek. I’m from Argentina so it is not a common name there. My parents chose it primarily because they say that it is an original name and also they like it of course. Actually and never feel embarrassed of my name either here or in my country. In my own country, people don’t know how to write it, but it is not a big deal. The only problem in the USA is that people pronounce it different than in Spanish, but to be honest I never think about which is the exact pronunciation since it is in greek.

The only time that I changed my name was in Starbucks because they always write it wrong, but when my coffee was ready and they start shouting my false name I did not realize that it was my coffee, so I never do that again.

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