Second Task for Class 9/12: Read These 3 Things

Aerial view of Panhandle, 1938. Photo Lun Esex.

The previous post asked you to join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Did you do it? Post a comment (below) and let me know.

For class on Tuesday 9/12, I’ll also ask you to read a few short selections and watch a few videos. As before, your goals are to:

  1. understand the main ideas of the readings individually
  2. connect ideas across readings & videos
  3. apply concepts from course materials to real life

So, TASK TWO for Tuesday is to read three items:

  1. The Introduction and Chapter 1 of Lester Faigley’s Penguin Handbook. Faigley summarizes some key concepts from classical rhetorical theory and suggests how they might apply to modern life. He focuses on written communication, but we’ll talk about how to apply these to spoken communication.
  2. A magazine article about the “Great Bicycle Delirium” of the 1890s — the article features some great illustrations showing how bicycles were used to advertise a wide range of products.
  3. An article (or video) of your own choosing from the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition’s website at You can read about plans for changes to Market Street, the community bike build program, profiles of members such as Vernon Haney or Wendy Sheffers, or events such as the Tour du Fromage (that’s tomorrow, by the way)– or hundreds of other topics.

TASK THREE will be to watch three videos (two TEDx talks and a short TED talk).

TASK FOUR will be to write two questions to ask Bicycle Coalition Executive Director Brian Wiedenmeier (we’re going to meet him on Tuesday).

Look for reminder posts about these next two task on Saturday and Sunday.

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