oct 9 2017

  1. Solange posed for the picture; the feather on her antique hat framing her face. She found the waist and collar of the dress a little confining.
  2. Before Benjamin applied for a job at Datacorp, he researched the company at the library. He wanted to be well prepared for the interview.
  3. Waiting for the tour bus, the family shivered on the windy corner. They had expected warmer weather on their summer vacation.
  4. Leland’s motorcycle is his prized possession, but he had to sell it to pay his college tuition.
  5. Olivia took lessons, because she had never been surfing. She felt ready to tackle the waves.
  6. Paolo had thinning hair, glasses, and stooped shoulders; everyone thinks he is a  librarian, but he is a meteorologist at an Antarctic research station.
  7. Toni gives her son a generous allowance and does not expect any help around the house from him; Toni’s brother expects his children to do chores if they want to spend money.
  8. Dark clouds gather overhead, while trees toss in the wind; rain does not fall.
  9. Tai wanted to prove her trustworthiness to her parents; she made it her responsibility to take her younger brother and sister to school.
  10. Using a sharp jerk of his wrist, Simon flipped the pancake in the skillet; his uncle taught him this trick when Siman was a child.

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