A man with a mask plays with pigeons in the Piazza del Duomo in Milan on Monday.(AFP-Getty Images)
The Academic Global Immersion Program in Milan-Piacenza has been postponed due to slow registration and in light of the recent outbreak of Coronavirus in the area. Although it is difficult to anticipate what will happen in the next few months, the virus appears to be on a trajectory of become a pandemic affecting numerous countries and regions in the world.
In spite this slowdown, we are still very energized to prepare and promote the sustainability topics of this program. Education for sustainability management, especially in relation to sustainability fashion (versus fast fashion), sustainability design (v. unsustainable and high carbon emission projects), and sustainable food production and consumption (v. unsustainable factory farms) is a priority for all of us.
We look forward to plan the immersion and study for January 2021. Stay tuned. For information and updates, please contact Dr. Marco Tavanti at mtavanti@usfca.edu