Author: amengesha

Nov. 30th

Argumentative Speech Outline

-IDEA: gun control


1.Start with a narrative to capture the audiences attention

2.Transition into argument

3.Have structured points and evidence that follows

4. Address any counterclaims and why my approach is the best option

5. Bring back my thesis and wrap it up.


In 1963 MLK Jr. gave a speech “I Have a Dream”, about how people at that time should come together to help end segregation and fight racism. In terms of delivery I find that gestures and body language is most effective. The speech delivered by MLK Jr. is popular and is known for how passionate the speech was. So when delivering a speech I think it’s important to be engaged so that the audience can feel connected.

Nov. 18th In Class Writing

I read Ruki’s response. One thing that I noticed was different in our responses is that Ruki made sure to include a personal connection to Dick Gregory’s essay. Ruki talks about how he was mistreated by his old advisor and he hated his class because of that. He writes that his teacher would make him sit in the back of the classroom because he was getting a low score and she made him feel inferior to the rest of his classmates.



An important event in U.S history that shaped the future would be The Civil Rights Act of 1964. POC and Black people have faced decades of oppression in the U.S, and they still do. Segregation caused separate schools, water fountains, restaurants, hotels, etc. Mostly it caused human beings to be seen as inferior just because of the color of their skin. But when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed it paved the way years later for my family to be able to come and live in this country. If it weren’t for the brave men and women who fought oppression, then it wouldn’t be possible for me to be here today.

Even with the Civil Rights act, decades later black people and POC are still facing oppression. With recent movements like Black Lives Matter, it has shown me that even though I wasn’t there to see the Civil Rights Era, it has made me be able to witness today why they were fighting the good fight.


Nov. 16th In Class Writing

I read Ori’s response. In both of his responses for the Forbes article and our assigned reading from the book, he talks about how it’s essential to understand your presentation’s format, including who the audience is and the problem. He also notes that it is important to focus on the first and last part of your speech because that is what people will remember the most. One thing that is similar from our responses is how we both emphasize that your speech structure is important. One different thing is, Ori includes an example of Nancy Duarte’s research from our reading.

Oct. 28th Essay 2 Reflection

After reading the comments for my rhetorical analysis essay, I saw that I could have created a better title and paragraph numbers in my APA citations. One thing that could have been improved in my writing is I could have used more examples when stating a claim. For future essays we write, I plan to make sure that I strictly follow the APA style rubric and include paragraph numbers if I’m using an article. I also plan on using a more effective writing style by having evidence for all the claims I state.

Oct. 28th In Class Writing

My group members were Elizabeth and Ori. In Elizabeth’s response, one thing we had in common was that we both discussed how parents should teach their children all the backgrounds they come from, not just one. She also incorporated a personal connection about how coming from a diverse family and how her parents made sure to teach her and her brother about their heritage. In Ori’s response, he states that the article’s main argument is to ensure that one side of a child’s identity isn’t neglected. He also talks about his family and how he related to Nguyen’s dilemma of not knowing what religious rituals to perform because even though he is Jewish, his grandmother is Christian.

Oct. 26th-In class writing

I read Elizabeth’s response to Marilyn Chin’s essay. One thing Elizabeth and I had in common was our analysis of how Chin’s essay incorporates a generalized theme throughout the monologue. Both Elizabeth and I talked about how, despite all the grandmothers cultural differences what connected them all was the love they had for their family. One thing that was different was Elizabeth also discussed how the author writes as if English is her second language and how that changes the feel of the story.


  • ethical shopping
  • universal healthcare

Oct. 21-Plagarism Activity

Abby Mengesha


_No____ 1. Kyoko needs to write a report on American politics.  She looks up Barack Obama in Wikipedia and discovers he is the 44th president of the United States.  She includes this information in her report but doesn’t mention Wikipedia.

  • No because she is stating general information, she isn’t copying word for word. But she can include where she got this information on her reference page.


_Yes___2. Tam is writing a paper on a novel for his English class.  Since the whole class is reading the same book, he doesn’t need to use a citation.

  • Tam needs to use a citation. It doesn’t matter if his whole class read the book, he is still using the work of another author.


__No___3. Sugi wrote a paper for his European history class last semester and got an A on the paper. This semester, his Political Science class is addressing some of the same issues that are in his History paper.  He checks with his professor first who agrees with Sugi, so he uses the material from his History paper.

  • Since he got permission from the teacher then it is not plagiarism, but sometimes other professors consider it cheating if you reuse assignments from other classes.


_Yes____4. Ramiro, Stephan, April, and Chris are working on a group project.  Chris submits his work and the others suspect that some of it came from the Internet, but it sounds good, so they submit it.

  • The others should have checked on Chris’ work if they suspected it was from the internet. Since it is a group project if Chris did plagiarize then they will all get into trouble.


_Yes____5. Maria finds a lot of good information for her paper on the Internet.  She carefully changes the wording and prepares a good paraphrase.  She doesn’t copy anything verbatim.

  • She should still include where she got this information even if she paraphrases.
  1. Directions: Decide whether the information described in each scenario will require citation of the source (Y or N) and explain why.


__Yes___1. You clearly identify the source at the beginning of a paragraph that summarizes the author’s ideas about teenage drinking.  Since readers will naturally assume all of the ideas in the paragraph are from the source, no additional citation is necessary.

  • If you are including another person’s idea you should always use citations.


__No___2. In your paper on the history of aviation you state the date of the Wright brothers’ first successful flight at Kitty Hawk.

  • You are just stating a date of a certain event.


_Yes____3. In a paper on the civil rights movement you find some general, well-known background information in an encyclopedia.  It is obviously common knowledge, so you copy the information and include it in your paper.

  • Even if it is common knowledge you still copied it so it needs a citation.


__No___4. You ask your mother about the steps she went through in obtaining a bank load for a new car. You include this information in your paper.

  • This would be your own research. You can include that you interviewed your mother but they are still your words.


__Yes___5. You skim a 325-page book entitled Using the Internet. A major theme throughout the book is that the Internet is an important technological achievement.  You include this in your paper.

  • You are including the work of another author.


__Yes___6. You find an article that takes the same position you have taken on the subject of gun control. To save time you summarize in your paper a portion of the argument from the article, since the author’s ideas are identical to your own.

  • Even if the ideas are similar to your own, you still used the authors article as reference so you need to use citations.

Oct 19th- Parallel Structure

Hang Yang

Feng Lin

Abby Mengesha


1. My dog is friendly and playful.

2. We can go to the park or dance in the classroom.

3. Jeremy likes to read historical, realistic, and speculative fiction.

4. When I went to the bar, I wanted to dance, drink, and punch on the rowdy faces.

5. Buying a car is not a decision to take lightly or carelessly.

6. Tyler is for the legalization of marijuana.

7. Sally needs a new stove, dishwasher, and knives for her kitchen.

8. My first-grade teacher taught me how to write, read, and play tic-tac-toe.

9. She will not admit it nor apologize.

10. Whole wheat pasta is better than enriched wheat pasta.

11. Literature classes teach students how to analyze texts, think critically, and improve writing.

12. Though they are not in season, beets are just as nutrient-rich as rutabagas.

13. Drunk drivers are thoughtlessly taking the lives of other people. They risk their own lives, thinking only about their pleasure and fun, and not consider the consequences of their actions.

14. To convey the information correctly, the police officer spoke loudly to the crowd, telling people where they should stand. He repeated the information to help people remember and gestured.


Oct.19th In Class Discussion

I worked with Ori and Jasper in analyzing our responses. Ori’s main points are that visual arguments are used to appeal to an audience’s emotions on a larger scale, and when creating visual arguments, there needs to be a goal for your argument. What do you want your audience to get from your argument, what do you want to achieve. One thing we had in common in our response was we both incorporated how pathos is used to persuade an audience. A new idea I learned from Ori’s response is how ethos is used in visual rhetoric, such as social media. After reading Jasper’s response, his main idea was how visual rhetoric has taken over our daily lives with technology advancement. An idea we had in common was that visual rhetoric is more effective now because people have access to visual information, such as Snapchat and Instagram. Visual arguments are created by all individuals, even if they don’t know they are doing it.

Oct. 14th

Abby Mengesha

Rhet 110


I took a close look at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Instagram. Ocasio-Cortez is a congress woman who serves in the NY 14th district. Through the pictures she posts on her Instagram one thing you can infer about her character is that she’s committed to serving the people who elected her and she cares about her community. AOC uses credible sources when posting links for information, and she establishes her credibility because as a congress women and dedicated representatives she always accurate information that can be fact checked. She displays a lot of ethos on her profile. For example she posted a video on October 1st of 2020 to show people who were protesting and she was using her platform to amplify their voice and cause.

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