May-3 Group work 

Why students should have mental health days | Hailey Hardcastle

In the video, Hailey talks about teenage mental health and the importance of taking care of your brain. She was diagnosed with depression at an early age, so she herself is a great ethos for the speech.

Volume (appropriate to our space and audience)- good volume

Variety of tone (enthusiasm, confidence, and engagement throughout)- a good change of tone to keep the audience engaged

Eye contact with audience members (not floor, wall, or paper)- good eye contact spread throughout the room

Gestures and body movements that flow naturally and expressively- moved around and adequate amount of hand gestures. 

-When you complete your individual activity, you can discuss your selection and effective speech delivery features with your group members and choose anyone you like better from each group to share with the whole class.


May-3 Argument speech outline

Into- The currency value to the federal minimum wage has declined 25% since 1968. The current minimum wage of $7.25 leaves an adult and two children just a few thousand dollars below the poverty threshold.

Start explaining the situation around the minimum wage and how it is affecting me and you.

Main Point1- How long ago it was changed and how there is nothing being done about it.

Main Point 2- Why it should be changed.

Main Point 3- What eventually will happen if it is not changed and how lives will be affected.

May-3 Free writing on argumentative speech

A topic I feel strongly about is a proposal to increase the federal minimum wage. The currency value to the federal minimum wage has declined 25% since 1968. The current minimum wage of $7.25 leaves an adult and two children just a few thousand dollars below the poverty threshold. This is unacceptable. A study shows that if the minimum wage were to be increased today, 900,000 Americans would be lifted out of poverty by 2025. Inflation in the country has been on a steady incline and the wage was last changed in 2009. To put things in perspective, something that cost $20 in 2009, costs somewhere around $23.75 in 2021, and that number has probably increased since then.

Historical Significance- 4/28

A historical event that changed the political course of the country was the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. His death led to an outpouring of anger among black Americans, and a wave of civil disturbances and riots occurred all over the United States. This was also known as the “Holy Week Uprising.” After his death, there was a temporary suspension of the 1968 presidential campaign. The Academy Awards ceremony was postponed. Businesses, schools, and other public buildings were closed. April 7 was declared a national day of mourning by President Johnson. The riots/mourning and overall negative effect of MLK’s death did eventually help speed the way for an equal housing bill that would be the last significant legislative achievement of the civil rights era. This bill protected families from discrimination in the sale, rental, financing, or advertising of housing, and the kickstarter for everyone having equal rights in the United States. I decided to write about this topic because even though this event took place all the way back in 1968, racism is still at large in the country, and everywhere else in the world. Something so negative, to end up having a positive impact is also really interesting. 

4/27 Individual writing

After watching the videos and thinking about it, I realized that race has always been a social construct. Race is not biological. There is no gene or cluster of genes common to all blacks or all whites. If race were “real” in the genetic sense, racial classifications for individuals would remain constant across all boundaries and borders. I was recently watching a movie called 42, which portrayed the story of Jackie Robinson, the first black player in Major League Baseball history. In one of the games, a kid sees all of his family and the people around him verbally abusing Jackie and throwing out racial slurs, and joins them in abusing Jackie, but then another player from Jackie’s team, who happened to that kid’s brother, goes to Jackie to have a chat and then hugs him, which immediately makes the kid stop because he had a new example to follow, made by his brothers. Nobody is born a racist, but the environment they grow up in and the things they are taught along the way make people that way.

For example- the saying that pink is for girls and blue is for boys is a social construct. All colors are colors, put people put the labels “girlie” and “boyish” on them.

The same way all people are people, and trying to make someone feels more inferior than someone else is a social construct, starting in Europe and taking over the world in a very unneeded manner.

29/4 Group Writing

Activity 1: For a long time, my stepson, Jonathan, was unhappy to have me as part of his family, for he resents that he didn’t have both biological parents at home. I tried to get to know him better, but he would complain that I invaded his privacy. As a newcomer, I understood that our relationship would require effort from both of us. It was not enough that I was friendly. Jonathan also had to want us to be friends, and I was not happy with the two of us being strangers, but I could wait for him to feel more comfortable around me.

Activity 2: Anne Marie collects antique bottles and loves to turn them into works of art. She will buy bottles if she likes them, but she prefers to find them in the ground. She finds bottles everywhere, but she picks them selectively. However, she has the best luck at construction sites on old farmland, where she spends most of her time. Often, bottles appear on the surface after a good rain, but they disappear very soon. She uses special tools for excavating bottles, including a set of brushes. She does not want to break the bottles as she removes them from the ground. After finding a new bottle, Anne Marie will add it to her display case and hang it on the wall as an artistic piece (Mangelsdorf, 2013, p. 411).

April 12- TedX post

The Ted talk by Anthony Jack was a powerful video. It talked about really important issues that are almost never talked about. I was lucky to graduate from a private boarding school. I really liked it and it was my home away from home. Being the only Indian there I thought I would come across racism in some way or form, but from the few major racial incidents that occurred during my time there in New Hampshire, all of them were directed towards the black community. That is when I fully realized the extent of the problem and the rapid need for change. I had a number of black friends in school, but unsurprisingly the black students made only a handful of the student population. While all of them got into good colleges, one day one of my closest friends looked distraught. Upon asking him what was wrong he told me how almost every one of his black friend who went to a public is school is having a very hard time through the college process, so when Professor Jack from Harvard raised the same issue in the video, it resonated with me a lot. Talking about food shortage in undergraduates, that is something a lot of us college students have gone through at some point, so talking about two points which are comparable to a lot of college students makes me more confident that what Tatum wrote is important work that needs to be voiced.

April 7- Peer response

I read I Isabella’s response. She talks about how implicit biases we have in everyday life towards certain people, and how that affects one’s actions. She explains how implicit bias is dangerous and can detrimental to humans with us even realizing it. She includes how the author uses the story of her own son, who at the tender age of 5, created a prejudice against black people due to environment he was in. This was a good ethos, and and made the audience soften the hostile crowd and actually listen to what she had to say.

April 7- Freewriting

I have a few historically significant topics I think would be good for this essay. An issue I feel passionate about and read a book recently on was the problem with the literacy rate in the country of India. The country has many strides in improving their adult literacy rate to 73.2%. It is still home to 313 million illiterate people, 59% of them being women. With the political system in the country being fairly corrupt both at the local and central government, for years this issue has been looked over by politicians and has never really been a big selling point in their respective campaigns. Things needed to change, and initiatives were needed to be taken. In 2017, the then Chief Minister of the state of Haryana, Om Prakash Chuatala, was charged with crimes and put in prison. He came from family full of politicians and was involved in politics from a young age. This caused him to not finish school and he dropped out after the 8th grade. While in prison, he decided to start studying to sit for board exams to pass the 10th grade. In the Indian education system, to pass the 10th grade, one needs to sit for these boards exams. Passing it means the person is educated to at least the lowest requirement of the system. According to the Indian law, it is the right of every citizen, even the ones in jail, to be able to have access to education and sit down to give the exam.


Outline- Start with quote from Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

  • Talk about the problem of the illiteracy rate in the country, give pathos about the percentage.
  • Introduce the story of the politician.
  • It became the center of the media’s attention.
  • Inspired lots of others to follow their dreams
  • Advertised the importance of education, something which was not usually done in heavy amount in the country.
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