March 8th-Free writing

Brainstorming through ideas for the analysis, a topic that is on the radar of every reader is the war in Ukraine. All the articles have different agendas, naturally so is everyone’a politics. Some use facts while some use pathos to make people feel for the people of Ukraine, so there is a lot of articles to be analyzed on that topic. Some topics do with, and the logos is undercut by contradictory emotional argument.

Another is climate, for years people have had different opinions about it, and while some companies use logos to tell the reader about the irreversible change happening on the planet, some have different agendas and write claiming it to be a hoax.


With the Russian invasion- articles write about whether the US made a appropriate response to the Russians.

-Give a brief summary of the editorial

  • Analyze the arguments made by the author
  • See how his/her structure is similar of different to the topics talked about in the 6th chapter.
  • See if two different appeals are used, if so, do they help each others points or undercut one another.

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