April 12- TedX post

The Ted talk by Anthony Jack was a powerful video. It talked about really important issues that are almost never talked about. I was lucky to graduate from a private boarding school. I really liked it and it was my home away from home. Being the only Indian there I thought I would come across racism in some way or form, but from the few major racial incidents that occurred during my time there in New Hampshire, all of them were directed towards the black community. That is when I fully realized the extent of the problem and the rapid need for change. I had a number of black friends in school, but unsurprisingly the black students made only a handful of the student population. While all of them got into good colleges, one day one of my closest friends looked distraught. Upon asking him what was wrong he told me how almost every one of his black friend who went to a public is school is having a very hard time through the college process, so when Professor Jack from Harvard raised the same issue in the video, it resonated with me a lot. Talking about food shortage in undergraduates, that is something a lot of us college students have gone through at some point, so talking about two points which are comparable to a lot of college students makes me more confident that what Tatum wrote is important work that needs to be voiced.

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