March 31st: Parallel Structure Group Work

Parallel Structure Activity – Alessandra Aguirre, Rachel Ballard, Jacob Woods

Group Work

  2. We can go dancing in the park or classroom.
  3. Jeremy likes to read books that are historic, speculative and realistic.
  4. I went to the bar to dance, drink and punch on the rowdy faces. 
  5. Buying a car is not a decision to take lightly or to be careless about.
  7. Sally needs a new stove, dishwasher, and knives for her kitchen. 
  8. My first grade teacher taught me how to write, read, and play tic-tac-toe. 
  9. She will not admit it or apologize.
  10. The whole wheat pasta is better than the enriched wheat pasta.  
  11. Literature classes teach students to analyze texts, think critically, and improve their writing. 
  13. Drunk drivers thoughtlessly take the lives of other people in their own hands, risk their own lives, think only about their own pleasure and fun, and don’t consider the consequences of their actions. 
  14. In order to convey the information correctly, the police officer spoke loudly to the crowd, told people where they should stand, repeated the information, and gestured to help people remember. 


Reading Response:

I read Lauren’s response and in the process I saw through her writing that we had very similar experiences with the text. We both had a slightly difficult time full understanding or comprehending the material at first but reached the conclusion that the main purpose was to shoe multi-cultural interaction through a “broken english” frame. We shared similar thought processes which I gathered from her writing and she formulated one of the thoughts I couldn’t communicate in my discussion post which was, “There are many negative connotations about broken English as people could see others as ‘illiterate’ but just because one’s grammar is not fluent does not mean that their points are not understood.” The beauty of Chin’s work was prominent and amazing because despite a slightly different delivery we all reached the same conclusion on the topic and our understanding of it.

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