Credibility Assignment “Reflection”

After the warm up we participated in class I felt more confident about myself and my speech but as my turn for presenting slowly approached I became more nervous, probably even more nervous than before we did the warm up.  When I’m nervous I start to stutter my words and usually forget the presentation I prepared.  This started happening to me when I began my presentation.  Once I started talking about my topic I realized that I remembered more than I anticipated and I do not remember looking at my notecards very often or even at all.  After my presentation I felt relieved and confident in what I said and I believed I did an alright job.  I do not think by any means that I am a good public speaker but I do believe that by practicing, thanks Professor Hunt for making us do those rehearsal videos, I learned my content without even realizing it.  I know I have to work on not fidgeting or moving when I am speaking because to me this seems unprofessional and tells the audience that you are nervous or unconfident.  I think everyone in the class had their own way of remembering the content which specifically worked for them.  Some people such as Ariel took her whole presentation up to the front which I think is helpful in case there is a specific line they wrote and want to make sure to say it in exactly the correct way.  Even though KoKo’s presentation did not revolve around bicycles I think that topic was a very good choice for him because he was so passionate and I believed it helped to improve the quality of his presentation.



  1. Thanks for this Ashley. I am glad that the videos helped you feel prepared. Since you mentioned fidgeting, I think the videos can help you work on that. Keep doing your presentation on video until you can do it without fidgeting! It’s a challenge…
    Great story, I was not familiar with this guy and was interested to learn about him. Are you interested in reading more stories of world travelers? I have a couple I could recommend.

  2. Hi Ashley! I enjoyed your presentation. You were expressive, had eye contact, and projected your voice clearly. I noticed how you had your notes with you, but you did not had to rely on it, which is very professional of you. I believe you will be a great lawyer!

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