How HMC changed my life



Since I was little I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life.  I wanted to be a first grade teacher for as long as I could remember and then when I started high school I realized that was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.  I so badly wanted to know what career was right for me but I could never figure it out.  My mom suggested that I should think about becoming a book publisher because I like to read and that seemed like a good enough reason to me.  For all of high school when anyone would ask me what I wanted to do I would say book publisher but every time those words came out of my mouth they felt wrong.  I knew I did not need to know what I wanted to do because I had time, but really I knew that wasn’t true.  College is when you’re supposed to figure out what you want to do right?  But this isn’t actually true.  When people start college they usually have an idea at least which field they want to go into and I knew I had to figure out what I wanted to do and quickly.  During my senior year I decided to attend Harvard Model Congress in Boston with about 15 other people from my school.  For five days in February we traveled to Boston and got to participate in a mock Congress where we were assigned Congressmen or House Representative.  We were also assigned a committee and had meetings all day for four days.  I loved being able to experience the law making process and have my ideas heard.  This is when I decided that I wanted to be a lawyer and go into some field of law pertaining to politics.  I am so thankful for deciding to attend HMC but I am also thankful that my parents allowed me to go and have always supported me in whatever I do.

1 comment

  1. Ashley, thanks so much for this – it sounds like a fantastic experience. Later in the semester we’ll try to attend a meeting at San Francisco city hall, so you’ll get to see government in action. In fact, keep on eye on the SF bike coalition emails — they often announce important meetings. You might want to attend one even if we don’t go for class.

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