Byrne Reflection

David Byrne in his chapter about San Francisco in reality does not really talk all that much about the city itself.  He touches on the landscape of the city describing the hills and how a cyclist could potentially get almost anywhere in the city without going up a super intense hill.  This is an important fact for him because he is riding his bike and personally I would not want to be biking up some of the steep hills I have unfortunately had to walk up with great difficulty I might add.  Byrne is detailed oriented but not on the topics that a reader might expect.  His chapter is supposed to be about San Francisco but he spends a majority of the chapter describing San Francisco and the Bay area as the place where start up companies come to expand and become successful.  He talks about the Silicon Valley and the garage where HP was started.  I felt like he writes in a similar way that he thinks.  His sentences and the way he describes things seem like they are not said in a very academic way but instead just any thought that comes to his head.  In this way his chapter makes connections to things that a reader may not have though of on their own.

He describes a few places he visits throughout the city and the Bay area including Taqueria Cancún located in the Mission District which is known for its great mexican food.  It seems that because his chapter is titled San Francisco he should go into detail describing the area surround the restaurant and then go into detail about their food and the atmosphere but instead he writes two short sentences that barely give the reader and idea of the place he is talking about.  I think that the whole point of him riding his bike around the city, and to other places, is to slow down and take in the sights that he wouldn’t be able to see from a car or any other motorized mode of transportation.  He should spend his time describing the taqueria but instead he just skips over the place like it didn’t matter.  This type of writing again focusing on mostly the way Byrne thinks shows the reader just a taste of San Francisco and makes them want to dig more and research more about the city to find out what they missed by just reading Byrne’s chapter


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