Freedom of Speech

When I watched the Crash Course video of freedom of speech I realized that I had already seen this video last year in high school as I was preparing for my AP government exam.  This video was forgotten from my mind but when I rewatched it all the information I knew about freedom of speech came back.  I believe that freedom of speech is an important part of American society and I also believe that a lot of the political changes that have been made in the last 200 years would not have been made reality without Americans standing up for what they believe is right.  I think that people should be allowed to speak out about how their government is not doing what they want or believe is right.  I think that in light of the current protests revolving around the election of Donald Trump as the president elect freedom of speech is essential in these protests because without it protesters would be arrested just because of the fact that they are speaking out.  America and other countries that allow freedom of speech give their citizens another opportunity to share with the government what they think should be changed and this creates a more democratic and over all better society that is able to help and please more people. 050615_otr_free

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