Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve

Location: 10 Old Stage Coach Rd, Redwood City, CA 94062

Site Description: Edgewood Park is around 40 minutes away from USF. It is near Redwood City.

Species Description: 

Family – Geraniaceae, Species – Cranesbill (Geranium molle); This herbaceous plant has classic palmate leaves. It is pubescent with several ascending stems. They are found along the edges of roads. The flowers are purple with green sepals. There are 5 petals, each with two lobes.

Family – Saxifragiaceae, Species – Fringe Cups (lithophragma heterophyllum); These perennial herbs have small palmate leaves. Their flowers are star-shaped with 5 white and unfused petals. They look very similar to the common woodland star. The main difference is the shape of their receptacle.

Family – Phrymaceae, Species – Sticky Monkey Flower (Diplacus aurantiacus); These perennial subshrubs can be found along California. The leaves and flowers are sticky. The flower is tubular at the base and ends in 5 lobes. They come in a variety of colors.

iNaturalist link: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/155708925

Narrative: When we got to the trail, we saw lots of poison oak. Instead of its usual red color, the leaves were green and very big. It was pretty nice out so we didn’t need to wear jackets like we’ve done on previous hikes. On the trail, we saw a dead mole that looked like it had just died. We also saw some deer grazing in the open fields.


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