Marin Headlands

Location: 37.8262° N, 122.4997° W

Site Description: Lots of coffee berries, ferns, and poison oak along the trail.

Species Description:

Family – Saxifragaceae, Species – fringe cups (Tellima Grandiflora); Hairy stem, pink inflorescence. Leaves are dissected, palmate and hairy. Urn-shaped flowers with fringed petals.

Family – Montiaceae, Species – Miner’s Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata); herbaceous annual plant found along the coastal regions of North America. Leaves are fleshy and cauline. The flowers have 5 petals and are pink or white. Mature plants will form a rosette.

Family – Apiaceae, Species – Cow Parsnip (Heracleum Maximum); herbaceous perennial plant. Stems are hollow and hairy. Umbel inflorescence composed of small white flowers. Leaves are large and lobed.

iNaturalist Link:

Narrative: We went to the Marin Headlands, where we went along an uphill trail. We did a mock field quiz, where we had to name the families of around 40 species. The weather was very nice, although, it got pretty windy as we were getting towards the top.

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