3/1: APA and MLA Citations [Individual Blog Writing]

  • APA includes a lot more intricate and specific ways of citation, depending on the source
  • APA includes author and year
  • APA has heading in middle, while in MLA it is in the top left
  • APA includes an abstract; essentially a summary of the analysis as a whole. it doesn’t require citations, and is often presented as an introduction to the whole text
  • MLA is called “Works Cited”, APA calls it “References”
  • APA references are directly integrated into the text, as well as including a References page
  • APA includes key terms
  • The title page for APA is bolded, but for MLA format it is not
  • APA includes the year source was published after author(s) last name(s) within in-text citations
  • APA uses “&” rather than “and”
  • Both are double spaced
  • Both have pages that are numbered in the top right-hand corner
  • The first line of every paragraph is indented for both
  • Both have the title is centered on the page

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