5/3: Speech Analysis [Group Blog Writing]

Volume (appropriate to our space and audience)

  • Volume, although quite loud, is appropriate to space and audience because of Steve’s reputation as being a large presence. Volume enforces his reputation 

Variety of tone (enthusiasm, confidence, and engaging throughout)

  • Effective variety of tone, especially in terms of enthusiasm and emphasis
  • Confident and motivational throughout the speech and uses he his reputation to show his experience to the audience (ethos)
  • Uses humor to lighten the mood and keep audience engaged 
  • Uses specific examples to further relate his point to the audience

Eye contact with audience members (not floor, wall, or paper)

  • Great interactive eye contact with audience throughout speech

Gestures and body movements that flow naturally and expressively 

  • Uses hands to emphasize points and expressively keep the audience’s attention

By: Chinaza Hughes, Briana Do, Mel Zilinki

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