According to Jerry Gebhard’s article “What Do International Students Think and Feel? Adapting to U.S. College Life and Culture”, he states, “Reaching out to faculty and peers for academic and cultural support and regular participation at social events become key factors to help international students mitigate culture shock in U.S. colleges and universities” (Gebhard, 2010, p.23).
Gebhard, G. J. (2010). What Do International Students Think and Feel? Adapting to U. S. College Life and Culture. University of Michigan Press, 23.
Mack, T. (1997, May). Culture Shock. Forbes Magazine, 188-190.
Simpson, J. (2006, May 8). Chronicler of Culture Shock. Academic Search Premier, 156.
Wright, R. (2005, March). Going to Teach in Prisons: Culture Shock. Journal of Correctional Education, 56(1),19-38. Retrieved 2010, December 15, from Academic Search Premier.
Mar, H. (2011, June 30) [cannot be put into reference list as it is not recoverable data, but can be cited in text]
By: Parker Qualls, Briana Do, Moriah Gillmore