4/7: Essay #3 Freewrite [Individual Blog Writing]

Let’s quickly review arguing for social cause ideas; you can see the assignment prompt for Essay 3 for some ideas to start with.

Think of some ideas that you want to include in research and argument multimodal essay and do a freewriting for 10 min. As you do this freewriting, keep on writing without worrying about grammar, sentence structure, and word choice; it can be anything you can think of on your tentative ideas regarding rhetorical analysis and the ways you plan to use certain strategies for an effective analysis.

Once you finish, look at some words, phrases, ideas that you think can be developed further to include in your Essay Two. Then create an outline of your essay based on your freewriting.

After reading the assignment prompt for Essay 3, I immediately began evaluating the various ways discrimination has affected my life thus far. I do not mean me directly when saying this, but rather the way it has impacted my environment; whether that be injustices done to the ones around me, the ones I love, or even myself. I’m currently a bit confused on the multimodal formatting of the essay, as it’s hard for me to visualize solely based off of its description. Maybe when I see the example it will be cleared up for me. I’m also a little worried with the use of Adobe Creative Cloud express. During the first essay, I wished that Adobe Spark offered more creative flexibility for my project. I wonder if there’s another platform I can use out there that results in the same medium? So far I am thinking of Canva, Keynote, or even Google Slides recorded with a voice over.

The topic of social issues is very broad, and I’m currently having a hard time trying to decide what topic I want to write about. I might even write about the opioid crisis again? Or I can go more towards the cultural route and analyze themes such as #oscarssowhite, or in general the pattern of white preference in pop culture and society. As a psychology major, it might also be interesting to write about something in that field as well. Maybe racial patterns in psychology/the racial/cultural gap of people getting mental health services? Or the Asian American identity crisis, as we have been discussing it my philosophy class recently. As a child of two independent business owners, I also can’t help to think about public policies such as healthcare. As my parents ran their own business, my family wasn’t allowed the privilege of company benefits. Especially when it came to insurance or healthcare. Public policy and affordable healthcare go hand in hand with classism; as an immigrant family business household, I personally experienced the gaps in government insurance. Some of which still exist today, such as gaps in mental health coverage or recovery coverage.

Essay Outline:

Introduction to topic

  • background information; context
  • why is it important?
  • claim

Analysis of topic

  • evidence and explanations
  • answer why it’s important question

Defeat the counter argument/opposing viewpoint

  • some might say          , however,            



  • reinforce why the issue is important, backed up with analysis and address of counter argument

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