Feb. 18, 2020 Class Discussion

Briana Verdugo Neha Harve London Harrah

The less accounted for rhetorical strategies noted in Fatima’s article disrupt mainstream political or cultural ideologies in a few ways.

First, with the use of combining languages to make the dominant language less prestigious. By using the dominant language to attack itself it reduces the power distance between the dominant majority and the minority. A broad example of this is how English was used to flight colonialism.

Another strategy might be how people use vernacular to create communities. One can belong to that community or not belong to it. One can be excluded from it or that community can give you power.

An example of alternative strategies from the reading includes the use of English language on the graffiti, which was implemented to garner international support while vernacular was used to create belonging with a community.

All in all, these less accounted for strategies allow for ideologies and cultural practices to continue to thrive with more ease as those who are not looking for them may not be able to find them as easily as if they were mainstream rhetorical techniques.

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