April 21- Briana, Buke, and Halimat

We thought about this through the experience of watching Netflix (something we’ve all been doing a lot of). There are so many options available on this new media/digital platform, it allows for a better understanding and dissemination of cultural knowledge. When watching Netflix, you have the ability to view different world perspectives through many different cultures, or different perspectives of one culture. By watching multiple experiences, it allows viewers to not think of culture as just one thing, but as a range of varied culture. 

Going back to the rhetorical practices as a means of conversation in social discourse, the engagement in cultural conversation impacts the knowledge transferred from one generation to the next. One can say that an effective measure for professional communicators to disseminate knowledge on a digital scale would be the use of modern media such as Ted Talks. Through thorough research, scholars can breakdown and create a comfortable environment to have these discussions.

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