Wrapping Up a Year of Exceptional Work by our Junior Fellows

The Center for Asia Pacific Studies commends our 2023-24 cohort of Asia Bridge junior fellows on their exceptional work. Throughout the year, these students explored their research passions for the Asia Pacific, gaining academic and professional skills for their future success.

The students wrapped up the busy fellowship program with two key events: their Thai Spring Roll Demo on April 18th and Creative Activity Research Day (CARD) on May 3rd.

For their Thai Spring Roll Demo, the junior fellows gained valuable event management experience as they worked with University of San Francisco caterer Bon Appetit to conceptualize, plan, and execute the event, which allowed their fellow USF students the chance to not only enjoy delicious food but also learn some healthy cooking recipes to make at home. Fulfilling the center’s mission to foster a sense of community and promote greater understanding of the Asia Pacific, the event was a huge success and as junior fellow Trisha Polakala reflected, one of her “favorite moments of the whole program.” 

View highlights from the Spring Roll Demo here »

At CARD, the students gave poster presentations on their yearlong fellowship projects covering a range of relevant Asia-Pacific topics: India’s approach to Artificial Intelligence ethics and regulation, the impact of transnational migration of nurses on the Philippine healthcare system, the rise of tuberculosis cases in India, and the role of cultural activism in fighting gentrification in Seoul, South Korea. Special congratulations go to junior fellow Nikaella Mariano for her Outstanding Poster award and to Sheila Ta for Honorable Mention on her poster project.

We also celebrate the accolades this year’s cohort has received for their final research papers. Congratulations to Trisha Polakala and Sheila Ta, whose fellowship papers will be published in the twenty-second issue of Writing for a Real World 2023-24: A multidisciplinary journal by USF students, and to Nikaella Mariano, whose paper won the center’s “Bridging the Pacific” essay prize for best undergraduate submission.

View highlights from CARD 2024 below:

Nikaella Mariano
Rising Senior, Nursing major
“Beyond the Nursing Brain Drain: Transnational Migration and the Philippines’ Healthcare System”


Sheila Ta
Rising Senior, International Studies and Economics major with a minor in Architecture

“Voices of Resistance: Challenging Gentrification Through Cultural Activism in Seoul, South Korea”


Trisha Polakala
Rising Senior, Biology major with a minor in Neuroscience (Pre-med track) 

“Investigating the Rise in Tuberculosis Cases in India”


James Burrell
Rising Junior, International Business with a minor in Classical Studies

“The Dangers of Free Reign: India’s Approach to AI Ethics and Regulation”


We’re proud of our 2023-24 Asia Bridge junior fellows and wish them well in their future endeavors. And, we look forward to welcoming a new group of students into the program in the fall semester.

If you would like to support these and other curious and driven students who care about the Asia Pacific, please donate here.