Feb 8th: Free writing for Essay 1

One idea I have is to write about the process I have when I write songs. I have been writing songs since I was around 12 years old. It has always been a more emotion based process for me and I usually start with a certain lyric that will inspire the rest of the songs. That’s one of the ways I write songs but I will also start with a title sometimes. It’s not usually easy for me to match words with a melody that I come up with but sometimes it does work for me. I believe it is called top-lining when you write lyrics to an already existing track or melody. I’m much better when it comes to creating something from scratch. I’ve always loved writing and I started writing songs because I wrote poetry as a pre-teen. I don’t write much poetry now and I find that when I do, it is a last resort kind of medium that allows me to put my thoughts and emotions into. Writing has always helped me make sense of things, or at least try to. Sometimes I will go awhile without writing any songs and I’ll feel as if I’ve forgotten how, but it usually comes back to me after the first song.

I didn’t start sharing the songs I wrote until 11th grade, when I decided to show some of them to my friends. It can be hard sharing such personal songs and unfortunately, those are the songs I often times like more than the others. If I feel connected to a song, I usually think more highly of it but in reality I have no real concept of the quality of my songs. I can tell that they’ve gotten better from when I was younger, but that is only a relative form of measurement. I’m interested in pursuing my passion for songwriting but how togo about that is the challenge. As I get older, I get more comfortable sharing my music and I know one day, my self-consciousness will no longer play a role in that. I’ve received a lot of positive feedback, but it’s hard to believe that. It’s funny how people can say so many positive things about me or my writing, but even the possibility of negative feedback overwhelms that.



  • writing as a preteen and how my writing has grown
  • influences in my writing
  • what inspires a song of mine
  • sharing my songs
  • possibly including one of the first songs I wrote and drawing a comparison to one of the more recent songs I’ve written
  • some kind of conclusion

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