March 29: Group Work on Plagiarism

Group Members: Parker Qualls, Xena Neira, Chinaza Hughes


  1. N- The information used is commonly known and it would be plagiarism if she copied the exact quote.
  2. Y – Tam is not giving credit Where it is due, even if the whole class is reading the same novel. To correct this Tam would need to properly cite the book.
  3. N- The paper was approved by his teacher.
  4. Y- Chris must cite his sources if he has information from the internet. Chris should correct the parts of the paper he plagiarized and instead he can paraphrase the text and cite it when necessary.
  5. N- She properly paraphrased the information used.


  1. N- The source was mentioned.
  2. N-You do not need to cite if it is general information
  3. Y- If you are copying information from a source it must be cited to give credit to the author. To correct this the encyclopedia needs to be cited if quoted or paraphrased.
  4. N-Because it was not copied from anywhere. 
  5. N- It was paraphrased and not directly copied.
  6. N- If you are summarizing an idea then that means you are rewriting in your own words.


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