Drum roll please… the USF flashmob video is here!

Drum roll please!  Are you doing it?  Do you hear it?  I hope so because the announcement I am about to make absolutely deserves a drum roll.  THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO FLASHMOB VIDEO IS HERE!

In case you haven’t heard, a group of USF students, faculty, and staff, led by Professor Amie Dowling, Coordinator of the USF Dance Program, and Natalie Greene, instructor and choreographer, recently performed a flashmob, not once, not twice, not even three times, but four times, on campus and in downtown San Francisco!

For those of you in the dark who don’t know what a flashmob is, it is when a group of seemingly unrelated people come together to perform a previously arranged and choreographed dance (or other activity), and then quickly disperse.  The essence of a flashmob is that it seems to come out of nowhere and ends just as quickly.  It is, in a word, AWESOME!

Special thanks to Laura Waldron and everyone from USFtv who put together the video.  Check it out below:

Several Communication Studies students were involved: Natasha Bojkovic (who is also a dance minor and was in charge of teaching the routine to the women’s volleyball team), Tess Parsons, Jessy Mekpoh, and Megan Conner (who participated as a member of the women’s soccer team).  And of course you must have guessed that I was also in it (I had so much fun doing it you might have seen me doing the choreography as I walked down the hallway several days before and after)!  We performed on Lone Mountain, Harney Plaza, the Powell Street Cable Car Turnaround, and Union Square. Students, faculty, and staff from across the university were involved, including the intergenerational dance group, the Dance Generators, the volleyball team, women’s soccer team, members of pubic safety, and the star of the show, a uniformed public safety officer!  It was so much fun and a great way to showcase the USF community!

Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to pull this off!  As Tess said to me after we completed the dance, “We can cross this off of our bucket list!”  Oh yes we can.


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