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Independent Field Excursion #1

  • Date of the trip: March 24th, 2020
  • Location The latitude, longitude, and approximate elevation of the site(s): (42.286, -83.829)
  • Image or map of the hike location or driving directions from USF or your home:
      • This is a Norway Spruce tree. It not native to Michigan, it is originally from Europe and has been planted around the state. It’s now making it’s way into natural habitats.
      • This a Norway Maple leaf. It is also not native to Michigan but now grows in natural habitats.
  • A brief description of the site(s).
    • Topography: Mostly flat yard. About 200 feet from my front door.
    • general habitat: Pine and maple trees. All maple trees have no leaves due to season. Habitat is on dirt roads in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • List at least 5 different species seen on the hike. This can include plants, animals, insects (native or non-native) (include pictures). Try to find the scientific name (genus and species), you can use order or family for insects.
    • Disclaimer: Many trees in Michigan and especially in Ann Arbor are dormant because it is still winter weather. The non dormant trees in this area are the Spruces.
    • Species 1: Acer Platanoides (Norway Maple), member of Soapberry and Lychee family
    • Species 2: Picea Abies (Norway Spruce), member of Spruce family
  • One detailed species account.
    • There are not many, if any, animals outside because it is cold in Michigan and it just snowed. Most birds have migrated away. They usually come back around this time though and some already have. The birds that come back are usually warblers, robins, sparrows, and hummingbirds. In Ann Arbor and many other communities, one of the most common birds is the Turdus Migratorius (American Robin) and they come back to reproduce. They are very vocal in the mornings. I think I have heard some recently but I haven’t seen them. They rest their nests mostly in the trees at the end of my road (dense shrubs and Maple trees) but sometimes on my roof. They eat earthworms and small insects.


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