Scholarship and Publications on Gender and Sexuality Issues in Law Schools
Felice Batlan , Kelly Hradsky , Kristen Jeschke, LaVonne Meyer & Jill Roberts,
Not Our Mother’s Law School: A Third-Wave Feminist Study of Women’s Experiences in Law School,
39 U. BALT. L.F. 124 (2009).
Kim Brooks & Debra Parkes,
Queering Legal Education: A Project of Theoretical
27 HARV. WOMEN’s L.J. 89 (2004).
Henry F. Fradella,
Integrating the Study of Sexuality into the Core Law School
Curriculum: Suggestions for Substantive Criminal Law Courses,
57 J. LEGAL EDUC. 60
*Requires access to HeinOnline.
Paula Gerber & Claerwen O’Hara,
Teaching Law Students about Sexual Orientation,
Gender Identity and Intersex Status within Human Rights Law: Seven Principles for Curriculum Design and Pedagogy,
68 J. LEGAL EDUC. 416 (2019).
LGBTQBar Association,
LGBTQ+ Best Practices for Law Schools: A Guide to Institutional Equity.
Mairi N. Morrison,
May It Please Whose Court: How Moot Court Perpetuates Gender Bias in the Real World of Practice,
Ruthann Robson,
Educating the Next Generations of LGBTQ Attorneys,
66 J. LEGAL EDUC. 502 (2017).
*Also in Chris Ashford and Paul McKeown, Social Justice and Legal Education, (Chris Ashford and Paul McKeown, 2018).