3 Tips and Tricks to Study for the CSET Exams

Everyone who wants to earn a teaching credential in the State of California is required to take the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET). While many programs – like USF’s teaching credential program – welcome applicants to apply without having taken the CSET, all students will be required to take the exam at some point during their credential program.

The CSET can seem intimidating at first, but here are three tips and tricks to help prepare for the tests.    

  1. Start Early 
    1. CSETs cover a lot of material, so make sure to start early enough to give yourself plenty of time to review everything. Don’t try to cram, these tests require a lot of time to prepare.
    2. Make a plan and stick to it. Set goals, and arrange time to study in your everyday life. If you study little by little over a longer period of time there’s a better chance you will remember everything. 
  2. Use Resources That Are Available To You
    1. The CSET registration site has practice questions and tests you can use to study. It also has the full comprehensive list of the content included on the test so you can make sure to study the correct material fully. 
    2. There are many websites with materials and study guides for you to use.  Here are a few we recommend. 
  3.  Use The Library To Your Advantage 
    1. Many libraries have study books you can check out to use for a limited time, instead of having to buy them yourself.  
    2. For Single- Subject tests you can use grade-level textbooks. Those will have majority of the content on the tests, since it is the curriculum you will eventually be teaching – and since it’s written for a middle or high school audience, it’s typically easy to follow. 

Still have questions? Email us at schoolofeducation@usfca.edu and we’re happy to help you out! 


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