August 30- Reading Response Discussion

The key idea from Ari Hoohuli’s response on chapter 1: types of arguments, of “Everything’s an Argument”, is that the type of argument that was most intriguing to her was arguments of evaluation. She goes on to explain that we use it in our everyday lives and one example is how grading someone’s paper by a rubric can change person to person as different people will have different standards and expectations. This response is different from mine as I said that arguments of definition were most fascinating just for the fact that without them, any argument can easily be misinterpreted or someone can just as easily “move the goalpost” or the discussion just has no direction or defined parameters. I gained some clarification on arguments of evaluation as she had some great examples. Her response was very good, I feel it can be improved if she gave some more context and referenced what chapter or book (and author) it is.


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