September 13- Reading Response Breakout Room

Meili Skov talks about how she believes that to establish an authoritative ethos, one must have the credentials that makes them credible but also the cultural connection. She argues people are more likely to listen and relate to her in speaking about her experiences of being part Chinese. Many gravitate to what is familiar. Much of what I said was similar to this in that there needs to be a duality of credibility and connectedness to the topic at hand.


Denzel Washington

-Academy award nominated and winning actor

-Understands performing arts

-Understands people 




-fashion/ mens beauty products as many consider him to be an attractive man.

– mens medical products (pain relief, erectile dysfunction, etc.)


Should not endorse:

He would be a good spokesperson for Black issues and liberation as he is a Black man and has played roles advancing Black voices. He is a good role model and would unlikely support anything whose management or company is unethical or has more conservative views. 


Tom Brady

  • Very credible when it comes to physical fitness
  • Knowledgeable in football (6x superbowl champ, regarded as one of, if not the best)
  • Is a father
  • Professional athlete who is in top physical shape



He would best advertise medical products/ointments (icy hot, pain relief, workout supplement). Additionally, anything to do with workouts and  physical fitness (overall fitness and football specific) 


Should not endorse:

-beauty products for women (odd when men endorse these things)

-fast food/unhealthy products



  • Famous singer, dancer, and actress
  • Significant cultural icon
  • Known for hair, makeup, and music
  • Multiple Grammy awards

Some products that would benefit from her endorsement would be makeup, clothing, and perhaps hair brands. 

-historically outspoken on human rights issues 


Ariana Grande

  • Grammy award winning singer
  • Childhood actor
  • Very great vocal control
  • Known for her singing ability and acting ability


  • Microphones
  • Headphones 
  • Hair extensions 
  • fashion


Should not endorse:

-non-vegan brands

-cat related brand





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