September 29: In-text Citation and References

Rhetoric arguments span thousands of years back into the past. Despite their age, they are, and will continue to be as relevant and important as in the time they were conceived. Additionally, there is a need more than ever to be able to critically think and analyze the information that is put in front of the general population. It starts with the youth. It is made all more abundantly clear when a local student in Singapore “labelled students in Singapore as Gen s, or the generation of sheep” (Brooke, 2015, p. 114). The author goes on to to explain the different courses used to help students learn these key skills. Sheep is used to describe the youth as docile, and controllable. There is a sense that there is a lack of individual thought which leads to misdirection and misinformation being spread.



Brooke, M. (2015). Deconstructing Academic Persuasive Essays by Constructing Argument Maps and Analyzing Means of Persuasive Appeal. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, (23), 113-126.


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