October 22: Multimodal Argument


I copied and pasted one of my favorite artist’s instagram page. Kid Cudi is an artist and actor who lives the prototypical rockstar life. Through his instagram photos, you would be lead to believe that he is easy-going, fun-loving and has a sporadic, spontaneous life. He promotes mental health awareness and is also just a goofy dude who likes to joke around. Being this public figure, he has many clothing sponsorships and as such, is seen on his page sporting high-priced clothing and fashion-forward accessories. His status affords him the ability to typically do anything he wants by way of his appearance, the way he promotes himself on social media, and where and what he does. This is not a bad thing and I am not tearing him down.


Kid Cudi has a large following on social media in general, not just instagram. His music speaks about his struggles with his mental health so when he posts about mental health awareness, he is speaking from experience which adds to his credibility (ethos). There is also this inherent ethos awarded to public figures many times. Many hold celebrities in high regards and feel that there is this esoteric way they conduct themselves and live their lives and therefore have some knowledge common folks don’t have or are more trustworthy. Kid Cudi is not exempt from this. Despite his repeated insistence to be treated as a normal, everyday person, people fall over themselves to meet him or think that everything he does is painted in gold. This is not his fault. But as a result, this credibility is gifted to celebrities so many times they are seen to be more credible on a myriad of subjects than the average person. Money will do that.


The things Kid Cudi would be very credible with are music, acting, show business, performing in front of people, mental health issues and perhaps high fashion. These are things that he appears to be credible with on a surface level (not knowing him and only seeing him on social media or listening to his music).



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