Month: October 2020

Oct 28 essay 2 feedback

After reviewing the feedback that I have received on my essay 2, I have concluded some of my strengths and my weaknesses. Some of my weaknesses are that I need to work on providing more information about my source and why I believed it to be reliable. I also need to work on remembering to add an end quote. One of my strengths was how I connected my writing to my own personal experience. I also think that I did a good job analyzing the effective appeals to the audience. In the future, I plan on continuing to show strength in my analysis while working on improving my errors. To improve my errors, I plan on referring back to my last essay’s comments when editing my next essay.

oct 28 in class writing

For today’s peer review, I read Valyntina’s. Valyntina and I posted responses that were quite different because she related it more to her personal life. Our posts were similar because we both discussed how the author talks about growing up in families with different cultures. A new idea I learned based off of Valyntina’s post was how I may keep my post more brief. Overall, I think that Valyntina did a good job connecting her post to her personal struggles with identity.

Jamye and I both had similarities because we both analyze the text

Ours were different because I used more quotes whereas Jamye paraphrased more

Oct 26 in class writing

For today’s peer response, I read Ryan’s post. I found his post to be very different from mine. Right off the bat, Ryan used an example of political correctness. This was an important aspect of his post because he then provided a nice quote sandwich to bring more attention to the topic. Something that was similar about our post’s, was how we both discuss the language differences. Although, Ryan connects it to his own personal life while I struggled to do so. Something that I found to be more prominent in this multilingual writing was how much variety of tone there was. I felt like this differed from a more traditional sort of essay because it made the text more interesting to read.


Free writing essay 3:

For my essay three, I think I am going to write about classes on zoom and how draining they are. I think I am going to make my argument that colleges should be limited to the number of hours that students are allowed to be on zoom a week. I think that this will be an effective argument based off of my own struggles spending a whole school day on zoom.

Oct 19: group work

Group: Sahara, Emily, and Sabrina

PRACTICE Please review the following sentences for errors in parallel structure. Correct the sentences by rewriting them. Not all sentences are incorrect. Answers may vary.

1. My dog is not only friendly but also playful.  My dog is friendly and playful.

2. We can go to the park or dancing in the classroom. We can go to the park or dance in the classroom. 

3. Jeremy likes to read historical, realistically and speculative fiction. Jeremy likes to read historical, realistic, and speculative fiction.

4. When I went to the bar, I want to dance, drinking and punch on the rowdy faces. When I go to the bar I want to dance, drink, and punch the rowdy faces.

5. Buying a car is not a decision to take lightly nor be careless about. correct

6. Tyler is for the legalization, not criminalization of marijuana. Tyler is for the legalization, not the criminalization of marijuana.

7. Sally needs a new stove, dishwasher and knives for her kitchen. Sally needs a new stove, dishwasher, and knives for her kitchen.  

8. My first grade teacher taught me how to write, how to read and play tic-tac-toe. My first grade teacher taught me how to write, read, and play tic-tac-toe.

9. She will not admit it, nor will she be apologizing. She will not admit it, nor will she apologize.

10. The whole wheat pasta is better than enriched wheat pasta. Correct  

11. Literature classes teach students to analyze texts, thinking critically, and improve writing. Literature classes teach students to analyze texts, think critically, and improve writing.

12. Beets are just as nutrient rich as rutabagas even though they are not in season. Beets are just as nutritious as rutabagas even though they are not in season.

13. Drunk drivers are thoughtlessly taking the lives of other people in their own hands,risk their own lives, thinking only about their own pleasure and fun, and not consider the consequences of their actions. Drunk drivers are thoughtlessly taking the lives of other people in their own hands, risking their own lives, thinking only about their own pleasure and fun, and not considering the consequences of their actions. 

14. In order to convey the information correctly, the police officer spoke loudly to the crowd, tellpeople where they should stand, repeated the information to help people remember, and gesture

In order to convey the information correctly, the police officer spoke loudly to the crowd, told people where to stand, repeated the information to help people remember, and gestured.

Oct 19 in class writing

For today’s peer review, I read Sahara’s post. What I found interesting about her discussion post, was how similar her’s was to mine. We both put examples of appealing to emotion. Sahara did this by talking about visual rhetoric and how visual images have more of a persuasive effect on the audience. Sahara thought that this was the case because images tend to be more stimulating to the brain than written texts. A difference that Sahara and I both have is that she uses examples that provide in text reference whereas I provide examples from the text that show what something means. Although Sahara and I provided examples differently, I think that I may try portraying examples as Sahara did.

group: Sahara and Valyntina

in class activity oct 14

To practice reading rhetorically and critically I took a look at The University of San Francisco’s Instagram page. Based off of the appearance of the account, viewers are able to notice how the university’s colors are green and yellow. The colors make the account appear to look friendly and creative. This represents the school well because most of the people at USF are friendly and creative. Another thing that stands out to me is how there is a lot of emphasis on this year’s upcoming election. By this, you can tell that the USF community is very involved in the community. Another important aspect of the account is how the city of San Francisco is demonstrated to appear. The city looks beautiful and upcoming in the pictures, and I think that the account does an appropriate job representing the city of San Francisco as well.

When looking at the account, it is clear that the university has a decent sized audience that it is portraying information too. With almost 25,000 followers on Instagram, USF must hold a lot of pressure to represent the school and city as a great place to be. The account portrays to ethos by posting pictures of famous alumni that have attended USF, and impressive tasks that the university is completing. An example of the material that has been posted recently that relates to ethos are the new dorms being built on campus, and the USF law school alum, Martin Jenkins who attended the USF school of law. Overall, I think that USF’s Instagram page is doing a good job representing the school community.

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