Dean Cannon formed the Public Services Council in 2007 and gave the group the following charge:
The Gleeson Library-Geschke Learning Resource Center Public Services Council is charged to review new and existing policies, programs, and services that are provided to the University of San Francisco community. The Council will work to ensure coordination, explication, and when appropriate marketing of all activities that directly interface with our users. New programs, policies, services, and any corresponding implementation issues shall be brought to the Library Leadership Team for review, and as appropriate approval. The Gleeson Library-Geschke Learning Resource Center Public Services Council shall meet at a minimum once a month and shall report to the Library Dean. Membership shall include the following departments: Reference, Research Services and Collections, Access, Systems, Rare Books, and Regional and Distance Learning Services. These areas will be represented by Locke Morrisey, Shawn Calhoun, Karen Johnson, John Hawk, and Vicki Rosen. Resource individuals with meet with the Council as needed. Presentations on Council activities may be given at Town Hall. The chair person will serve for one academic year and will rotate among the membership. The first chair, for the 2006-2007 academic year, will be Vicki Rosen.
The only change for the 2007-2008 academic year is that Shawn P. Calhoun is the Chair.
As the council moves into its second year, please continue to keep the comments and suggestions coming!