3 thoughts on “Got Fax?”

  1. That’s good to know, Carol, thanks! I wonder if people can receive faxes there as well? Probably that would be too complicated.

  2. Good question! You CAN receive faxes, but you need to make arrangements to do so. Basically, you and a staff person need to be in the office at the time of the fax arrival. (They don’t hold the fax for you). The office number is X6286 for more info.

  3. It might be a good resource for the library to have a fax machine available for students to use. As a student assistant in Access Services, a lot of students have asked me if the library has a fax. Plus, the fax machine in the Event Services and Information office is only open during a short period during the day and most people are not aware that it is there.

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