Taking on Google – Cuil

2 thoughts on “Taking on Google – Cuil”

  1. Interesting! But I don’t think Cuil is quite ready for prime time yet. I “cuiled” myself and got nothing about me, but a bunch of links about others with the same last name. When I used quotation marks around my name the results were better but didn’t include anything current, mostly some old listserv posts. There are colorful graphics but none of them were related to me or anything about me.

    In contrast, the first result when searching my name on Google without quotation marks brings up my current profile on a professional networking site. A Google image search came up with some images related to events I’ve been in, and again a bunch of unrelated stuff. Not surprising since there aren’t many photos of me online.

    As a trained information pro I know we should always try alternate search engines but I confess Google is always my default and often sole search buddy. Cuil and others who want to take on Google have an uphill battle.

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