Interested in current research on issues such as global warming, the environment, or renewable energy? Try Environment Complete—it’s a new database that covers all these subjects, plus related ones such as agriculture, environmental law, and urban planning. It provides access to the full text of articles from more than 600 journals such as Environment, Ecologist, and Conservation Biology; it also includes the full text of 120 books such as the Encyclopedia of World Environmental History.
One helpful feature of Environment Complete is that you can expand, modify or narrow your keyword search by browsing its thesaurus of subject terms. If you are interested in research on the effect of global warming on ice in the arctic, the thesaurus will give you a choice of terms including the word “ice,” such as Sea Ice and Ice Floes. Scope notes tell you precisely what a given term refers to, and you can select broader, narrower or related terms to refine your search. You can also limit your search to peer-reviewed journals. You can save, print, e-mail or export your results.
For more research relating to environmental issues, you might also want to try databases such as AGRICOLA, GreenFile, Biological Sciences or TOXLINE.
Nice shout out for the Polar bears et al… ;8^)
This is a GREAT new resource. Really nice complement to some of the other databases. The full-text is nice too!
Great feature, and great photo to complement it!