Gleeson Library and the School of Nursing took a break from our summer projects to convene for a pleasant, interdepartmental potluck and a spirited game of bocce ball on the lush green lawns outside of Gleeson Library. Two teams, in two rounds, from both departments displayed sleeper athletic skills, superior hand-eye coordination, and departmental pride, until the final round comprising all the winners of the previous four games.

Commenced by Dean Judith Karshmer of the School of Nursing, and Dean Tyrone Cannon of Gleeson Library, there was cheering, there was commentary, there was some measuring going on! And, of course, there was the obligatory wave!
All in all, the event marked a wonderful, much-needed, midsummer break from the hectic schedules of our two, very busy departments. Gleeson Library was honored to play with such talented, polite company — with a serious cheerleading squad and not so small talent in cooking. We were grateful for the invitation to play.
After the final round, trophies were generously awarded to the winning players by Nursing’s Ryan Dougherty, but we won’t tell you who won the 2009 Bocce Tournament. It’s really all about the camaraderie and friendship that Gleeson Library has developed with the remarkable and talented staff of the School of Nursing. And ultimately, aren’t we all one team here at USF?

There was, however, a somber departure from the School of Nursing at the end of it all. I wonder what that was all about? 😉

For pictures of game play, candids, and actions shots:
For team shots and portraits: