Puzzle Mania Now has Take-Out service.
To show appreciation and expand opportunities to our PUZZLE loving patrons Jig Saw Puzzles are now available for borrowing.
To see available puzzle pictures look up in Course Reserves, under either Faculty or Course Name: “Puzzle Mania“.
Request puzzles at the Circulation Desk. Loan period is 1 week.
It has been a fun year with patrons completing close to 20 puzzles. I hope everyone enjoyed this addition to the library and look forward to more Puzzle Mania fun next year.
If you would like to donate a puzzle you can drop it off at the circulation desk.
Thank you to all who participated and made this work.
Kudos to Lloyd for conceiving Puzzle Mania which has turned out to be hugely popular. I love that the space in the lobby is being used so creatively, that people go there to study, read, confer, work a puzzle, dip into a display, or just sit and relax for a few minutes.