Are you looking for a database with full text articles on literature and criticism, history, visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, or gender studies?
The best part is that even if you are not, this is a captivating database to browse through, with frequently updated articles, and links to recent publications.
Check out the featured articles highlighted on the main webpage. Past features include MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S. with the articles “‘If I were Jewish, how would I mourn the dead?’ Holocaust and Genocide in the Work of Sherman Alexie,” and “Choctawan Aesthetics, Spirituality, and Gender Relations: An Interview with LeAnne Howe.” Who needs US Magazine when you can read another past feature, Gossip in Literature, a special issue of Modern Drama with the article (including a section on Mad Men) “Drama is the Cure for Gossip: Television’s Turn to Theatricality in a Time of Media Transition.”
In the Frequently Downloaded section you will find engaging articles including “Information Illiterate or Lazy: How College Students Use the Web for Research” by Christen Thompson.
With more than 100 publications along with The Americas, Latin American Music Review, Luso-Brazilian Review, Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism and Romani Studies, you will be sure to find an article of interest.
You can find the Project Muse database though the USF library homepage- On the right side of the page click on the Databases icon, then choose the Databases A-Z link. From that list you will find Project Muse.
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