From the Archives: Bill Cosby

4 thoughts on “From the Archives: Bill Cosby”

  1. You can view a brief biography of Dr. Cosby from the Oxford African American Studies Center, as well as the full text of Dr. Cosby’s Education Dissertation (An Integration of the Visual Media via “Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids” Into the Elementary School Curriculum as a Teaching Aid and Vehicle to Achieve Increased Learning) via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Both of these resources are available from the Library to current USF students, faculty, and staff.

  2. Wow, flash from the past! This was shortly before I drove Bill Cosby from USF to SF State so he could run on their track before going to SFO. He tipped me $40. A fun day & a nice perk of being 1 of the few people on campus during break! Nice digging John & Gabby!

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